Monday, September 28, 2015

Reflection 4: As Heard on TV—The Music of Commercials

Let's face it, music can have great influence over us and that includes the ability to sell us things. Advertisers have known this for decades, which is why TV  commercials have been laden with music since the early days of radio. Today, music is still an integral part of commercials. Advertisers work diligently to find music that enhances the appeal of a product, knowing that pairing the right song with the right product can result in increased profits. Additionally, many artists' songs have been resurrected, or plucked from obscurity, after being placed in a major commercial. For many artists, having "that song from that commercial" can translate into a considerable bump in album sales. For this reflection, you will examine three of the following commercials to assess the overall impact music has in the ads. (Note we are not looking at songs that are modified for a particular campaign, but songs that are used in their original form in order to help sell you something.) Each of these songs was chosen for a reason. But what do you think those reasons were? What likely was the desired effect? How is the product enhanced by this music? If you are already familiar with the song, how does your prior knowledge affect your appreciation of the ad or the product? Finally, do songs in television advertising ever influence your own purchase of products?
Choose three of the following ads for your analysis:

  • Must be in MLA Style
  • Must be two full pages in length

Due: Tu 10.6

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